Samansara (temporary holding center) is a 24-h shelter for the homeless and socially harmed people in the city, which are admitted by the order of the judge and by the order of the judicial authority of the help-seekers for a certain and limited period of time, so that social work and counseling activities can be done for them professionally. In Samansara, unlike Madadsara (warm shelter), admission is not voluntary. Tehran Municipality services in Samansara and Madadsara are not limited to drug users, but it is possible to use free services for any socially harmed homeless men and women. The institute was responsible for providing and employing social worker assistants in Samansaras in Lavizan and Islamshahr to provide optimal services to help-seekers based in these centers. Since the institute has had the experience of training social worker assistants and individuals interested in working in the field of addiction in order to reduce harm, it was selected by the Social Services Organization of Tehran Municipality as the executor of recruiting and hiring specialized personnel in Tehran’s Samansaras.