
Support Us

The Noor Sepid Hedayat Institute, is a non-governmental and non-political organization and its subject of activity is the prevention of addiction and reduction of social harms of women, girls and children in Tehran. Public support for the institution helps the institute play an effective role in reducing women's social harms. Those interested in charity and voluntary social activities can help us by their cooperation and support, to try and reduce the social harms of women, girls and children.


Financial support

Help us in financing our current expenses by paying any amount you desire online or depositing it into the institution's bank account. Your continuous support on monthly basis will help the institute plan its activities.


Participation in projects

The institute implements projects in the form of employment and training workshops so that it can play an effective role in reducing women's social harms. Your participation in financing can help us start and implement these projects.


Cooperation with Us

If you have an idea and plan that will lead to the development and excellence of the institution, or you specialize in charity and social activities, or you intend to cooperate with us in any other way, we look forward to it in Noor Sepid Hedayat Institute.

Do you want to become a sponsor?